Monday, 27 December 2010

Using Pictures to Increase Students’ Understanding in the Usage of Tenses

Students believe that learning grammar is as difficult as learning Algebra because those two topics are full of formula. Grammar indeed has many rules. As an example, if we want to make a sentence which related to an activity which happens in progress in the past, we have to use the Past Continuous Tense formula, which is Subject + to be (past) +Verb-Ing + Object. Mostly, that is the way how the teachers explain Past Continuous Tense to the students. Now, let us have a look at the definition of grammar itself. According to, grammar is the system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language. Another definition comes from, which defines grammar as a description of the rules of the structure of a language; the way words combine, the order they come in, the way they change according to their relationship to other words, how they build up into units like a sentence. From the definition of grammar above, we can infer that actually grammar is full of rules and mechanisms in learning English. Furthermore, there is a branch of grammar which is considered as a difficult material that is tenses. Tenses are verbs form that indicate, or can indicate, a relationship between the time the action in a verb occurs and the time the verb is uttered (Accessed on October 27th 2010; In other words, tenses specify whether the verb refers to action in the past, present, or future. In our opinion, teachers are expected to find several innovations to make grammar especially tenses are easy to learn by the students. One of the teaching methods that can be used is by using pictures. In addition, using pictures to increase students’ understanding in the usage of tenses requires three steps which are: preparation, implementation, and evaluation.
First of all, let us deals with the first step of this teaching method which is preparation. This step is important because pictures which are used in this lesson are crucial. Moreover, there are several chapters which should be taken by teachers, three of which are; the teachers prepare things which are needed, then explain the rules to the students, lastly the teachers divide the students into several groups. The first chapter that should be done is preparing things which are needed. In this case, the teachers should prepare the main media here which are pictures. Pictures which are prepared must be related one or all of the three points in tenses, which are past, present, and future and they must be interesting. After that, the second chapter which should be taken is explaining the rules to the students. There are several rules which are suggested, two of which are as follows: the students have to mention as many tenses as possible which are showed by a picture and they have to present it in front of their friends. This step is important to make students are engaged to the lesson that the teachers give. Let us go on to the last chapter which should be prepared by the teachers is dividing the students into several groups consist of four students. In our opinion, by dividing the students into several groups is very effective to train them to appreciate different opinions which occur in the discussion and how to make a round answer based on the group discussion.
Second of all, let us have a look at the second step in teaching grammar through pictures which is the implementation in doing this teaching method. This step can be divided into several chapters, three of which are; firstly, the students do teacher’s instructions in group discussion, secondly, the teacher guides the students along the process, and lastly, the students collect their works to the teacher. Subsequently, the first chapter is giving the answer sheet and starting to count the time. Next, the second chapter that the teacher should do is guiding the students along the process. In this case, the teacher becomes the facilitator who facilitates students to do the assignment. The last chapter which should be done by the teacher is collecting the students’ work. The first thing that should be done by the teacher after giving the answer sheet is considering the time allocation to the students to do the assignment. Commonly, time allocation in one period of teaching is forty five minutes. We can allocate fifteen minutes to the students to write down the tenses that might be happened based on the pictures and guiding them during the process. And then the remaining thirty minutes will be applied in the last step which is evaluation.
Third of all, the last step in teaching tenses through pictures is evaluating the students’ work. Basically, there are several chapters which should be taken by the teachers, three of which are; firstly, the teacher explains the correct answers to the students, secondly the teacher evaluates the students’ works, and lastly the teacher reviews the lesson. The first chapter in this evaluation step is explaining the correct answers to the students. In this case, the teachers have to explain it in sequences so that the students can understand.  The second chapter in evaluating the students’ works is by evaluating their works itself. Additionally, the point of evaluation can be based on how many correct tenses which they could find. As an example, the teacher gives ten points in every single correct answer that has been written down by the students. The last chapter which the teacher should be taken is by reviewing the lesson. In this case, the teacher can review what the lesson has been given and explain to the students the correct answers. The remaining twenty five minutes can be divided into; ten minutes for explaining the correct answers, ten minutes to evaluate the students’ work, and the last ten minutes to review the lesson. Those three last chapters in evaluating should be done in order so that the early purpose can be accomplished.
In short, to increase students’ understanding in the usage of tenses, there are several steps which should be carried out, three of which are: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. After reading those steps above, we can infer that actually tenses and grammar will be very interesting if teachers know how to package them into the interesting teaching models. This teaching method have to be well-prepared and done in order based on the time allocation to accomplish the early purpose which is increasing students’ understanding in the usage of tenses. Thus, teaching English through pictures no longer can be implemented in Playgroups or Primary Schools, but also in the higher grade. Hopefully, this English teaching method can break the thoughts that grammar especially tenses is difficult to understand.
Nurrahma S

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