English has the main courses which students have to be capable with such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. Writing is one of the important courses in the English lesson especially for senior high school students. According to teacher’s guideline, writing courses in senior high school are classified into writing descriptive text, narrative text, report text, recount text, analytical exposition text, etc. The teachers are supposed to have brilliant methods to help the students easily organize the ideas in order to pass the writing courses. One of the methods that can be accomplished in writing course especially in teaching narrative texts is called jigsaw. Jigsaw is defined as a kind of cooperative learning technique which has a grouping strategy where the members of the class are organized into “home” group. The students are then reorganized into "expert" groups containing one member from each “home” group. In this way the students discuss the material (teachervision.com). By using the jigsaw method, the students can efficiently learn how to write narrative texts in the form of peer-teaching. The purpose of this essay is to underscore the implementation of the jigsaw method; grouping, sharing and writing.
To start this method, we deal with the grouping step. In this step the students will have dependent activities. The class activities are mostly conducted by the teacher which causes the students being passive in the class. However, in this method, students are divided into small groups to share the material taught without being interrupted by the teacher. The teacher only appears to divide them into “home” group and “expert” group. “Home” group means the original group where the students are given the various topics toward the material that is explained. For example, the teacher divides the class into 5 groups consisting of 3 students with one title of narrative text topic, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In this “home” group, teacher gives each member a different clue. The teacher gives the pictures that symbolize orientation, events, and reorientation which are the generic structure of the narrative text. Then, the teacher reorganizes each of the group members to gather discussing the pictures related to the topic given in the “expert” group. When the teacher gives 3 topics as our example, there are also 3 “expert” groups. This activity obviously aims to gain the students participation as well. This activity apparently enables the students to increase their self-esteem in writing narrative texts. As a proof, Raudhatuz Zahrah has little research for her thesis showing us that students in SMA Negeri 2 Medan can easily comprehend the material while they are divided into groups because they learn without being forced by the teacher.
The next step of this teaching method is the sharing step. As soon as they all have got their duties, they move to the “expert” group. The students will enjoy their turn to tell their pictures and shares to other friends in the “expert” group. They feel free to express their ideas about the pictures with their friends in the “expert” group. Here, they are given a chance to talk about the pictures and share their opinion in order to be able to report what they have been discussed to the “home” group. For instance, student 1 is assigned to the orientation where the three bears are sitting on the dining room and waiting for the porridge to cool down, after that the bears’ family goes out for a walk. Student 2 deals with the events when goldilocks tastes the porridge from three different bowls, tries three different chairs and three different beds of the bears’ family. Student 3 gets the reorientation which is the ending of the story when the bears’ family finds out that goldilocks feel asleep on the little bears’ bed and then goldilocks run away from the bears’ family house because she is scared being identified by the three bears. Many researchers prove that this kind of sharing in using jigsaw method can improve the ability of students in writing narrative text, because by sharing the students can get the ideas of the story easily. For example, in SMA Negeri 2 Medan the students’ average score in writing narrative texts was 49.6, however the minimum adequacy criteria is 60.0. Yet, after the teachers applied the jigsaw method the score improved up to 72.2 which is good because they can pass the minimum adequacy criteria. Therefore, sharing can help students to make their ideas of writing narrative text run smoothly.
The last step is writing. In this step, the students are motivated to write and work together to describe the events in the pictures that have been discussed in the “expert” group. After they finished discussing in the “expert” group, they need to come back to the “home” group. In the “home” group they share about what they have got from the “expert” group and combine the each story into a complete story. The each part of the generic structure becomes one unit of narrative text in the “home” group. They have many ideas in their mind about the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In the writing step they are appointed to write down the result of the discussion in the “expert” group. The three students combine the orientation, events and the resolution that they got to be written as a narrative text. Student 1 who is responsible for the orientation in the Goldilocks and the Three Bears writes about what happened in the picture of the bears’ family while they are gathering in the dining room to have porridge and the second picture is the Mommy bear, Papa bear and the little bear are going to take a walk while waiting for the porridge to cool down. Then Student 2 writes about the events that are goldilocks tastes the porridge from three different bowls, chairs, and beds of the bears’. Student 3 writes about the reorientation of the story and explains the moral value of the story in the paper if needed. At last they arrange the three different generic structures into one whole story and present it in front of the class.
In a brief, we can simply analyze this essay that the jigsaw method can be applied in teaching writing of narrative texts that is sequenced into three steps, which are grouping, sharing and writing. These three steps are actually part of one great method provided by the teacher to decrease the cases beyond students in senior high school that mostly have difficulties in writing courses. However, every method has its own strength and limitation. The teacher is supposed to analyze the most appropriate method that can easily help the student to comprehend the material that is taught.
Written by
Isna Rakhmawati
Orista Vella A
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