Monday, 27 December 2010

Art in Learning Second Language

People do believe that language and art are two different things. But actually, they have correlation each other. It can be seen from their definitions. According to, “A language is considered to be a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing a meaning, idea or thought”. Language is not only used to communicate but also to express an idea or thought. It is also stated in that language is a “communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols”. Thus, language is a medium to communicate and express an idea by using not only a voice but also gestures and written symbols. This function of language is similar to the arts. Art is a product of creative human activity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey an idea, emotion, or visually interesting form. Based on Encarta dictionary’s definition about art above, we can know that art is produced to convey several things, one of which is the idea. By this means, we also can conclude that language and art are related one another. Art can be a tool to convey the idea that is aimed by the language. To know more about the relationship between them, let us have a look on their similarity in function and also the difference of them in the domain of knowledge.
            Now, let us focus on the similarity between art and language based on their function. As my explanation in the previous paragraph, language is used by human beings to communicate each other in expressing a meaning, idea, or thought. Primarily, language is spoken but it also can be delivered by media, such as sounds, symbols, and words. One of the ways to communicate in expressing idea or thought is through the art. In the same line with the language’s, art has function to be a medium to deliver an idea as well. According to Encarta dictionary, the word art can refer to the visual arts, including painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, decorative arts, and others and also in a more general sense to include other forms of creative activity, such as dance, drama, and music.
Then, the correlation between the language and art can be seen from their differences of the domain of knowledge. As we all know that language and logical operations occupy the left-brain which is relating to or involving skills or knowledge such as analytic or linguistic ability. In other words, language is related to the cognitive domain of knowledge. On the other hand, art is controlled by the right-brain. It is related to emotions, attitudes, feelings, and other intuitive ways of knowing which includes the affective domain. Hence, though language and art are similar in their functions, both of them are different in terms of the domain knowledge. However, in everyone's daily interactions there are always both affective and cognitive variables at work, and thus effective classroom instruction should automatically address both (Shier, 1990). Therefore, in the next paragraphs, it will be elaborated why using art can be an effective media to learn language specifically in learning second language.
Firstly, using art as a medium in learning second language can make students more comfortable in the classroom. In teaching grammar, for instance, teachers can use art as a right media. For example, the lesson is about tenses. Then, teacher will ask the students to draw some pictures related to the tenses which are studied at that time. The students choose their own sentences contain those tenses to be exemplified later through their drawings. After that, students will share their pictures to others and explain what tenses they are used in their sentences. By that method, besides will be able to distinguish the implementation of tenses by themselves, students also can express their own feeling through their drawing. They will feel involved in the lesson so that they will enjoy studying. Allen (1990) believes the process of acquiring language comes naturally when students are involved in activities in which they can find meaning and purpose.
Secondly, using art in learning second language can create a good learning environment. The creative method by the teacher will motivate students to be more innovative and increase the students’ self-esteem when they have the chance to share their works to others. Moreover, when they see their friends’ works, they will realize that everyone has his/her own creativity so that they will tend to respect others’ work. Bassano and Christison (1982) comment that when students cooperate with each other to create visual images and tell their stories, the class develops a sense of group unity, individual and cultural differences are accepted. When the unity can be held in the classroom, the students will be confident to share their creations so that a supportive environment can be held. Andrade (1990) writes that the arts and artwork can provide a context for conversation and an impetus for communication. The usage of language as often as possible can help students to getting accustomed in speaking. Therefore, such conversation or student oral production is significant in the second language classroom.
Lastly, using art in acquiring second language can give good impact in the effectiveness of the learning process itself. I will convey the efficiency by using this example. In listening material, as an example, teachers can use music as a media. As my previous explanation that art can refer to music as well. Teacher gives students a song which is related to the topic. Then, students should write the lyrics as could as possible to be shared later so that the students will complete one another. From that method, students are not only able to practice their listening skills but they also can improve their pronunciation, diction, and also vocabulary. Besides, as in previous elaboration, it can build the good learning environment as well. That is the effectiveness I meant. By using one method, which is art, teachers can improve the other skills of their students efficiently.
To sum up, we have already known that the language cannot be separated from the art. It can be seen from their similarity in terms of the function. Both, the language and art have function as a tool to express an idea, thought, and feeling. However, their correlation can also be found through their difference. The language relates to the cognitive domain which is including analytic or linguistic ability while the art is involved in affective domain of knowledge and deals with emotions, attitudes, feelings, and other intuitive ways of knowing. A good classroom should address both, affective and cognitive domain of knowledge. Moreover, the art can also give some good effects in acquiring second language. Using art as media in the classroom can make the students feel more comfortable in the class since they can study and express their creativity too. Besides, art can help to create a good learning environment when the students can share their creativity and respect one another. Furthermore, using art in learning language is able to give the effectiveness of learning process. By using art methods, teachers can improve some skills of their students at once efficiently. Finally, based on this essay, it is proved that using art as a media in teaching second language is good to be applied. Therefore, as a recommendation, teachers, especially second language teachers, should consider this method in teaching second language for their students.

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