Sunday, 12 December 2010

Several Ways to Improve English Language Skill in Elementary School

An elementary school or primary school is an institution where children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as “primary” or “elementary education”. In this grade, children start to learn several lessons to help them, when they are in the higher grade. We take an example like the teaching of English as a foreign language. Moreover, it can help young learners to study English language earlier. The hope is that students will get more exposure to English and as a consequence, the expectation to get a better learning is more open. There are several ways to improve English language skill for students in elementary schools, three of which are important: using English at home, using web sites and ensuring the teacher quality.
The first way to improve English language skill for students in elementary school is using English at home. It means that students can be studying English language more effective, because beside they study English language on their school, they can practice their language in their home. For the example, integrating reading and writing into the children home life is as easy as involving them in what we’re already doing, such as reading fairy tales, folk tales, newspapers and magazines, then they complete word searches or crossword puzzles or write in a private journal.
Not only that, using web sites for elementary English language learners also can improve the English language skill of students in elementary schools. Moreover, we can access this website from school or at home. Beside that, there are several websites designed especially for elementary-age English language learners. In order to provide these students with extra practice in English, it is necessary to examine sites intended for English native speakers. There are several examples of websites for elementary English language learners: (Spelling Wizard ), in this site we can learn about use spelling words to make a word search or sentence scramble for 3rd-6th grade; ( - ), this site has multicultural children's stories told by famous storytellers for 2nd-5th grade; ( Reading-A-To-Z - ), this is a commercial site with free books that you can download and print for 1st-4th grade; etc.
The last way to improve English language skill of students in elementary school is ensuring the teacher quality. It is essential to have well-prepared, qualified teachers in preschool and primary school programs that include English language learners. For example of this case is the teachers should prepare all of things before they teach their students. As Echevarria (1998) points out, teachers of young English Language Learners need to be able to understand their linguistic and other needs, prepare effective lessons that will meet those needs, provide appropriate instruction, and be able to assess how well students are comprehend what has been taught. Beyond that, teachers need a thorough understanding of child development and how this may be applied to developmentally appropriate instructional design, sensitivity to the cultural backgrounds of the children and their parents, and skill in promoting positive home-school relationships.
The ways to improve English language skill in elementary schools actually offers more than these mentioned above. There are several ways we can do to improve it, for example using English language at home, using web sites and ensuring teacher quality. It can help students to study English language easily. To make the improvement of English language skill in elementary schools success, need corporate from students itself, their parents, their teacher and the headmaster of their school. Then for the students, they must learn more about English. Beside that, their parents have to help them and care for their children do. For the teacher should have good quality. They should able to teach English language better than other teacher. Finally, the headmaster of the school must support what the teacher and the students do. So, study English language for students in Elementary school can success if all of parts on this program have awareness on it.

 Written by
Sifa Fauziah Permatasari

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this post. Many people have master degree in English Literature but they don't have English Language skills for jobs .
