Monday, 20 December 2010

Public Schools or Homeschooling

Everyone has a right to get education. In Indonesia it is regulated in the constitution which is in “UUD ‘45” section 31. The government obligates 9-years basic education to reach the aims of education itself. This basic education is manifested in elementary and junior high schools. However, today our education is varied by home schooling. Home schooling means learning outside of the public or private school environment. The word "home" is not really accurate, and neither is "school." For most families, their "schooling" involves being out and about each day, learning from the rich resources available in their community, environment, and through interactions with other families who home school ( This is different from public school which can be defined as primary, elementary, secondary school, college, or university that is directly administered under the authority of a governmental body or that receives a predominant amount of its financing from public funds. Thus, the parents are supposed to understand which is more appropriate for their children. Basically, those two school systems are similar. Either public school or homeschooling obviously have the same curriculum. The curriculum is certified and controlled by the government. In this essay, we will talk about the similarity of those two school systems which is the curriculum, Nevertheless, as we may know both still have several differences, included: the flexibility, the teaching method, and the length of study.
Firstly, we will see from the point of similarity. Either homeschooling or public school has no right to produce their own curriculum. As we may know, the curriculum on public school has been provided by the government from kindergarten to senior high school. It is listed in educational guidelines by the Ministry of education. It is included curriculum 2004, KBK, KTSP, etc. Without many differences in the rules of determining the curriculum, homeschooling guideline is also published by the government. It is conformed by the average age of the students. For instance, curriculum for 4-5-years average age, how to fix simple problem, can be seen in Slow and Steady Get Me Ready book by June R Oberlander. Both two systems of education also require holding and passing national examination based on the government education guidelines.
On the other hand, in this essay we also observe the differences among those two systems. The flexibility of the time and place of learning are simply distinguished them. A public school has the strict regulation in time and place. For example, in the senior high school, there is obligated full day school. The students enter the school at seven o’clock and get home in the evening. It is counted in six days a week and only a day for holiday. Afterward, they do not have many choice of place because they can only utilize the room or spot around their school. However, in the homeschooling system, there is flexibility in time and place. The student can easily choose whenever and wherever they want to study. Even, they can study during weekend in the playground or recreation park.
The second difference is that the teaching method which has the significant contrast. Public school method of teaching is mostly used conventional method. People called it a tutorial method. Teacher guide the class as the center of learning process. He/she stands up in front of the class and explains the material to the student. Then, the student is given the assignment based on the material taught either individual or group assignments. Sometimes, the students feel less interesting by doing that kind of study. Nevertheless, home schooling’s method of teaching has a principle “not to be boring”. It is applied in the fun and interesting learning process. The students can have their independent study. By doing that, the students can directly experience the lesson of each learning process at the first time before finally comprehend with that.
Another difference is that the length of study. The length of study in the public school is not as fast as in the homeschooling. In the public school we may believe that everything has been strictly constructed. Thus, the student’s education follows the regulation as well. In 9 years the students only reach the kindergarten, elementary school and junior high school. It is different from those who belong to homeschooling. They can only spend 7 years or ever less than that. It happens because the comprehension of the students is really observed. The students who are very smart and competent in the lesson given can probably jump to the next step easily. For instance, Raffi, one of the homeschooling students, can pass his elementary school only in 5 years ( 
On the other words, we may conclude public school and homeschooling have the differences which are simply recognized. The differences are classified in the terms of flexibility, the teaching method and the length of study. The parents can decide which are more suitable in some particular children. The children who have more interest in active learning system may choose homeschooling to enroll, whereas for those who are not, may choose public school. Therefore, as the parents who recommend our children education, we are supposed to have the basic comprehension about the education and the variety of it.     
 Written by
Orista Vella A

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