Monday, 20 December 2010

The Teachers Give the Crucial Influence towards the Students

Teaching English is an activity that guides and facilitates students. In the teaching and learning activities, the teacher tries to make the students know, understand, and comprehend ideas by either using tricks or implementing strategies which are used in changing and redefining their thought forward their daily surrounding situation as a foreign languages learner. The teacher should be qualified. He/she should have a good background of knowledge, nice attitudes values, proper skills to implement good teaching method, and information about English. All of those qualifications influence the students’ quality. Among those qualifications, the implementation of teaching method is really crucial to determine the success of the students. In this essay, we are trying to explain how a qualified teacher affects the success of the students.
As we say before that the qualified teachers affect their implementation on teaching methods. Being a good teacher in the language is not sufficient; they must also use appropriate teaching methods. Teachers today have more of a willingness to educate students to their highest degree. Some students consider teachers to be a “change in life for them and others ". It seems to them that they have changed their life. Most of teachers are very highly regarded in higher grade levels rather than teachers educate young students. On the contrary, English teachers must be familiar with and be able to adapt and employ a variety of teaching methods in addition to having an appropriate knowledge of the language. These methods are strategies of teaching that include classroom behavior or classroom activities and procedures which employ specific strategies selected by teachers to achieve their objectives. Language competency and teaching methods go hand in hand in enhancing teacher effectiveness in the classroom.
The implementation of good teaching methods affects the obedience of students. Teachers of English should make it clear that each individual member of the class deserves attention, whatever his or her level of achievement. Students should be equal in the eyes of the teacher and receive an equal opportunity to participate and receive adequate feedback on their performance. The advantage of doing this activity is to show students how they are performing and to increase their motivation through praise. The last point to be addressed concerning the atmosphere of the English classroom is that activities should be designed to reflect actual use of the language outside this somewhat closed environment as much as possible. Students need to be taught the elements of language that enable them to take the right action and use the appropriate responses in real situations.
The obedience of students makes the teaching and learning process run. The teacher ability to design an effective lesson plan is essential to successful teaching. English teachers need to educate and train themselves on how to design a lesson plan that is tailored to the needs and abilities of their students. The educational aims of each lesson must be clear, and activities should be selected that contribute to the realization of those aims. Lesson objectives should be stated in terms of student capability, that is, in terms of what the student will be able to do as at result of instruction. These objectives must specify a goal in terms of student learning and skill. For example, one specific objective might be that students will be able to answer yes and no questions using the present tense.
Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that the implementation of teaching method by a teacher really affects on the success of the students. When the teachers implement good or interesting teaching method, the students will be attracted by it and they will be serious in study and obey what their teachers ask them to do. Then, the process of teaching and learning will run smoothly and the students will be success in gaining the knowledge from the teachers and from other sources. It is recommended for the teachers to use the appropriate teaching method which attract the students to be serious in study.
 Written by
Mega Astya
Umi Nadirotun Navisah

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