Monday, 20 December 2010

Motivations in Learning English

According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of motivation is that,” motivation is a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way”. It means that all people need some motivations in their life in order to get what they want to get. It is that because by having a great motivation, someone can be better person his/her own self. On the other hand, we can say that a motivation word could make someone do something which is out of his/her mind well. Over and over, we can take an example to prove it; someone will be a leader if he/she has a motivation to be a leader in his/her mind although, like Aziz (S1 Pendidikan Sejarah/2008) ─one of the college students of State University of Malang. He does not have capability to be a leader but he could be a good leader in “MTD (Malang Tempo Dulu) Event”. He told me that he got many motivations from reading books and communicating with his friends. As the English learners, we can relate to learning English in order to master the language─ in listening, reading, speaking, and writing ─as our second language; moreover, we can classify the types of motivations into three parts: the origin of motivation, the purpose of motivation, and the level of motivation (based on some sources).
Firstly, let us have a great deal with the first type of the classifications of motivations in learning English based on the origin of the motivation. According to Dornyei (1994, p.275) in his previous work, Motivation, based on the origin, is divided into two sources: intrinsic and extrinsic. The first source of motivation is the intrinsic motivation which means someone gets a motivation from the inside of him/her self. He/she is motivated to do something in order to get reward or satisfaction. Actually, someone who has an intrinsic motivation learns English for the satisfaction of him/herself, for example: interest and enjoyment. It can be related to an example, Wawan and Budi− the contestants of IMB (Indonesia Mencari Bakat) contest. They were interested in singing at the first time so they learned English, even though only pronouncing some word. According to Wawan and Budi, the main purpose to learn English is to get enjoyment by singing their favorite group band, The Beatles and Scorpion. That is about the intrinsic motivation; let us move on the extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a motivation which is got by someone from the outside of him/her self, such as: from his/her parents, friends, or teachers. Someone learns English because there is someone who supports him/her to master English. For the evidence, we can take relate the definition of extrinsic motivation to an example. The example is about Mutia Lamora (D3 Akuntansi/2008) ─one of the college students of Politeknik Sriwijaya. What she had is that she he got a lot of motivation from her parents who gave her some chances to study English at EF (English First) Course. Not only that, her teacher also motivated her by giving many chances in order to practice speaking English well. Indeed, she likes studying English; she can master it now. Those are about  the origin of the motivation which has the main point that A language learner is motivated to learn a language in order to get reward whether from the outside or from the inside of him/herself.
Secondly, let us have a look on the purpose of motivation. According to Gardner and Lambert (1959, 1972), the purpose of motivation is divided into two components: integrative and instrumental motivation. Let us look at the definition about integrative motivation, “integrative motivation means that the desire to learn a language in order to communicate with people from another culture that speak that language; the desire is also there to identify closely with the target language group (Gardner and Lambert 1959, 1972).” To make the motivation more clear, an example is needed. The example is Nabhan’s motivation in learning English. He has been learning English to be able communicate with the native speaker of English. Furthermore, he is preparing to improve his skill in English in order to go to abroad, France. Actually, he said that he do not want to go back to Indonesia. In other word, we ca say that he wanted to stay there. This kind of motivation is called integrative motivation. The next definition is instrumental motivation, “instrumental motivation is the desire to learn a language because it would fulfill certain utilitarian goals, such as getting a job, passing an examination, etc (Gardner and Lambert 1959, 1972).” The example is one of the college students of Airlangga University. He graduated from faculty of economy in 2008. Unfortunately, he did not have skill in English so he decided to learn English because he used to fail at English interview in getting a job. Nowadays, we know that English is needed in order to get job. He came to “Kampung Inggris” and studied at Mahesa institute in Pare-Kediri, East Java. The motivation in learning English like Hamid had is instrumental motivation because the purpose is to pass a test and get a job. That is all about the purpose of motivation.
Thirdly, according to Abraham Maslow’s, 1954, theory, we can classify motivation based on the level of motivation.  It is divided into three levels of motivation: growth, relatedness, and existence. For the definition of those motivation, growth means Impelling a person to make creative or productive effects on himself and his environment, relatedness means that involving relationships with significant others, and existence means including all of the various forms of material and psychological desires. We can look at Mrs. Mimil’s class as the example. Mrs. Mimil is one of lectures in State University of Malang. The students have to make media to teach English. Not only that, she wanted her student to be a good teacher by making the media of teaching English without spending much money. Snake and ladder and pop art are the examples of many media. In other way, Mrs. Mimil also makes her students have relationship between each other by having a small group discussion to make those kinds of media. Furthermore, she always asks her students to present their work in front of class. Those kinds of activities explain all those levels in learning English.
In conclusion, motivations are needed by all people in the world to make them better than what they have at the moment. On the other words, we can say that people could do much than what they can do at normal condition. We can get many kinds of motivation in learning English. Actually, the motivation in learning English is divided into three types. The first type is the origin of motivation. It has two sources of motivation which are Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The second type is the purpose of motivation. It is also contained two components: Integrative and instrumental motivation. The third part is the level of motivation. There are three levels of motivation─ growth, relatedness, and existence. Studying about motivation in leraning English is important to be read because we are as an English learner. It can help us to imrove our skills in English. Many sources can help you to understand and know more about motivation in learning English, like sources below. In addition, you can browse it in the internet by yourselves.  Not only that, you can read some books or previous study which is related to the motivation in learning English.
Written by
Restu Maulidianto
Satria Akbar S

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