Monday, 20 December 2010

The Effect of Using Computer in Composition Courses

Humans have been teaching and learning by technology since Socrates first complained about it in the 4th century BCE Phaedrus ( The rapid growth of technology created in each generation guides the society runs to the cyber culture. Therefore, in the teaching and learning process, schools tend to use technopedagogical by fusing the teaching technique with technology that has been provided in the society. In this case, the students are supposed to run on the globalization era which is occupied with technology as the result. Consequently, the composition courses in the university have been using computers instead of typewriter or hand writer. The computer first invention, the Z1, is originally created by Germany's Konrad Zuse in 1936 ( Since that time computer have been growing more perfect to simplify the human’s work. Composition courses that obviously known deal with the work of written used computer as the supporting device in the process of learning activities. Hence, computers still become the most useful means that offer beneficial effect especially in the composition courses. However, in several cases the use of conventional method by handwriting is still being maintained. In Indonesia, especially in Malang State University, there are some lecturers strictly regulate the students to use the conventional method because of authentic reason. Thus, in this essay we will expose the effectiveness of using computers by showing three positive effects toward the aspect of quickness, documentation, and aesthetic.
The first aspect we want to discuss is the quickness that make using computer as the valuable method. The features that computer has will guide the user to type quickly. The features consist of hardware and software. Hardware is the feature that can be obviously visible. Keyboard, mouse and monitor are the example of hardware. Keyboard which consists of alphabets and other symbols that can produce a word even a sentence quicker than we do in conventional way or we simply called it handwriting. Other tool is a mouse. The mouse is the tool to point the subject that we want to focus on. By using it we can search the main toolbar to facilitate the process of typing. The monitor is a piece of electronic equipments that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions. Therefore, this kind of tool is being implemented to examine the mistakes that may happen when you type. Not only the hardware may produce the quickness but also the software. Computer has many kinds of programs that set up in various functions. Focus on composition courses that prominently use it for typing, word processor is one kind of program that is applicable. The evidence demonstrated that people work effectively when they use this kind of program. For instance, the students of essay writing class mostly use computer to finish their project. One of them said that by using computer the project can finish fast because it easy to revise when the mistakes happen.
The second aspect that shows computer is more effective than handwriting is documentation. As the people say, the palest ink is better than the best memory. Based on that proverb, we can infer that writing is one of the ways to keep the works of language. Therefore, people tend to write thing than just simply memories it. However, write in the form of handwriting is not the considerable way to keep the work due to the resistance. The works that using hand writing are usually easy to worn-out. When the works is broken automatically it cannot be documented. That is way the using of computer is one of the best solution of documenting the works especially for composition courses’ students. Computer can save the data in the storage device as long as you want. Therefore, when the data is not printed you can still have the softcopy of it in the computer. It also prevails in the possibility when your printed works are lost. For example, the students who get the final assignment in essay writing, they can execute not only in the beginning of the course but also in the process of learning until the due date. In process of carry out the assignment, the students are able to save their data in the computer.
The last aspect is the aesthetic that effective for increasing the reader appealing. The first appearance of the work may construct the reader attention. As the good writer we are supposed to write the good work that can attract the reader. Beside we make a good composition based on the content, structure, and the language used, we may also consider with the appearance that give first idea whether your compositions deserve to be read. By using computer we are able to set the layout of our works. We can modify and use many style of alphabets, the margin, the chart, the table, the pictures, etc. Therefore, by applying this kind of application, we can create the attractive pages of our work. When our works are orderly arranged, the readers get the first impression that our works may be fascinating. For example, students prefer to read the textbooks with typing composition than textbooks with handwriting composition. This means that typing composition has the aesthetic value that is easier to evoke the readers’ attention.
In conclusion, we can simply acquire the effectiveness of using computer in composition courses concerning the aspect of quickness, documentation, and aesthetic. Therefore, the use of conventional method by hand-writing that is still being maintained in some education institution is advisable to be upgraded by using computer. Nevertheless, every fresh method still has the weaknesses. People who do not accustom to computer are supposed to get training in order to make the purpose of using computer come off in accordance with the expectation above.
Written by
Bila Nastiti T
Orista Vella A

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