Monday, 20 December 2010

Types of Motivation in Language Learning

As we know recently, English has become one important language in the world. Many people from non-English speaking countries have started to study English for many reasons. To make the learning process successful, the language learners should be motivated in learning, for it is a significant thing that is needed in doing everything, including learning English. Without having motivation, the goal of learning will be hardly achieved. That is why; we call it as a significant thing. Based on the meaning of the word, motivation is the psychological characteristics including interest, curiosity, and even desire to act on the way the preferred goal that someone wants the most (, 2007). According to Gardner (1985), the term motivation in a second language-learning context refers to an effort and desire of language learners with a positive attitude to achieve their target of learning. Moreover, Gardner and his friend, Lambert (1959,1972) have done pioneering work to explore the nature of motivation specific to language study. They came out to two classification of motivation based on the purpose of learning which are: instrumental motivation and integrative motivation.
Firstly, let us discuss the first motivation, which is the instrumental one. Based on the study that has been done by Gardner and Lambert,” instrumental motivation is the desire to learn language because it would fulfill certain utilitarian goals, such as getting a job and passing an examination.” English means such a tool for the learners to achieve everything they need in life. For the example, almost all of job vacancies in Indonesia require the applicants to be able to use English actively and passively. It means that if someone wanted to get a job, s/he should be able to communicate in English and that might be her/his reason in learning English. In other words, we can say that instrumental motivation in learning English brings them even closer to the target they want to get in life.
Secondly, we will deal with the integrative motivation. Gardner and Lambert stated that integrative motivation is the desire of the learners to learn the target of the language in order to be able to communicate and integrate as the members of English community. For instance, when someone comes to a new community which uses the language target, in this case is English, in its social interactions, s/he will be motivated to communicate by using English to be accepted in the new environment. It is a necessity in order to operate socially in the community and become one of its members. In other words, being able to be integrated with the English speaker’s community is their aim in learning English.  It is also said that integrative motivation plays an important rule in the success of acquiring second language and native-like pronunciation (Finegan, 1999:568).       
In conclusion, there are two kinds of motivation based on the purpose of learning second language, which are instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. Those motivations are important to be owned by language learners. Which one your motivation is, you cannot neglect the importance of those kinds of motivation in order to acquire your proficiency in the language.
Written by
Ninuk Retna Sumiarsih/109221421804
Wahyu Kartika Wienanda/109221422439

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