Saturday, 25 December 2010

Information on the Notice Board

A notice board is a place to put on any kinds of information. It is usually available in public places such as school, college, office, library, and even station. The same as those places, every single building in the State University of Malang has its own notice board in the lobby of the building. For instance, D8 building has a notice board that is placed near the main door and the front desk. You can find it on your right if you enter the building by the main door. Moreover, you can see many papers stick on its front and back sides. Those papers can be classified into three main categories based on the information given: the events, the announcements, and the vacancies.

            Firstly, we will deal with the events information. On the notice board, we can see several papers that inform us about the events that are held in the university. From our observation, we found six kinds of events which are held in the University of Malang. There are several competitions such as English Debate competition that will be held on 28-29 October 2010, Indonesian writing competition, and futsal competition from Indonesian Literature program. Besides, there are other events such as workshop of UKM Sanggar Minat, a seminar for Indonesian Literature students, and the 2010 Dean election.

            Secondly, we are going to analyze the announcement put on the board. We found that there are four announcements which are directed to the students of the Letter Faculty. From the front side of the board, that faces the front desk, we found the announcement of the 2010 Dean candidates, the announcement of Bank Indonesia scholarship, and the announcement of study plan for Germany Literature students. In addition, on the backside of the board, we also found the announcements of courses which are offered for the English Literature students.

            The next point is about the vacancies. Besides papers that inform  the events and the announcements for the students, we found another paper which is a piece information about a job vacancy. It is a vacancy as a private tutor of Albert course institution. It offers a place for students who are willing to be a private teacher in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, English, and even for the elementary subjects.

            In conclusion, there are varies information papers that are put on the notice board, for example, information about events or competitions, announcements from the faculty, and even job vacancy. The purpose of those papers is to give as much information as the students need. Then, as college students, we should check the notice board frequently to keep us aware of anything new around the campus and to get important information for our study.

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