Writing an essay is actually a kind of writing activity. It is used to communicate between the writer and the readers. The writer makes essays to give some information to the readers. Generally, good essays should have good criteria. Those criteria are divided into two, a First criterion is the structure of the essays in general which are introduction, body and conclusion. Second criteria is the requirement structure of the essays which are grammar, small connecting words, diction, mechanics, unity, style, evidence (detail), thesis or topic sentence, balance and recommendation. Most of people think that writing an essay is not difficult thing to do. However, for those who just learn writing an essay often make mistakes on their work without realizing it. Based on observation which we have done, on six essays which title is bilingual education essay, we found some mistakes on the structure. From those, we can classification into three levels of important mistakes which are structure mistakes on body, on introduction and on conclusion.
Firstly, the part of the essays which contain the most mistakes is in the structure of the body of an essay. Actually, a good body of essays should contain all of the body requirements structure of the good essays. Among the body requirement, three of which are crucial. Those crucial requirements are grammar, diction, and topic sentence. Generally, the meaning of grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. Based on our observation, the mistake on grammar has the biggest number which is 21 mistakes. The example of grammar error which is writen by the student on the bilingual education essay is “this program would make it easier for the student to learn English without risking success in academic classes”. However, that sentence should be “bilingual education program would make easier for the student which learn English without risking success in academic classes”. Then, the mistakes on the body of essay are followed by the topic sentence. Topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a paragraph or larger section and usually appearing at the beginning. From observation, the mistake on topic sentence is about 5 mistakes, for example; “the first requirement is the skillful students.” That sentence should be “the first requirement is the skillful students who are clever and have good personality. “The fewer mistake on the body is diction. As we know, diction is way to choose the best word to make a good diction. Moreover, the students make 4 diction mistakes on the body of essay, for example; “The students should be given some tests before they are received in RSBI.” However, the sentence should be “The students should be given some tests before they are admitted in RSBI.” Thus, we know that the most mistakes that the students make on an essay is in the body of the essays.
Secondly, lets us move to the middle mistakes on essays. The middle mistake is in the structure of the introduction of an essay. Basically, the position mistakes in introduction usually happen in the thesis statement, grammar and diction. Generally, the biggest mistakes on introduction are same as the mistakes on body essay which is grammar. Students often make some mistakes on grammar. Based on observation, the amount of grammar mistake is 6 mistakes. Then, the following mistake is in diction which has 4 mistakes. The last mistake is thesis statement on the introduction. Actually the meaning of thesis statement is the sentence containing the central idea.” Based on observation, the thesis statement has 3 mistakes, for example; “In my opinion, there are many things that the RSBI must have. Three of which are the skilful students, the appropriate teachers, and the facilities of the school.” The correct sentence is ”In my opinion, there are several things that the RSBI must have, three of which are the skilful students, the appropriate teachers, and the facilities of the school.” Based on reason above, we know that actually the structure of introduction an essay has the middle mistakes.
Thirdly, the last mistake is in the structure of the conclusion of an essay. Actually, the structure of conclusion of an essay has standard requirements that are usually forgotten by students. These recommendations are grammar and diction. When the student makes an essay, the grammar has more mistakes on that essay. From our observation, the students make grammar mistakes on conclusion is about 6 mistakes. Then, recommendation and diction on the conclusion essay has the same amount which is 2 mistakes. The example of mistakes on recommendation is “If you are still curious about how bilingual education can be implemented in RSBI, you can try to find another sources.” This sentence should be “It is recomended to the headmaster of RSBI to improve the quality of the school by considering those three things.” In short, the structure of conclusion essay has the fewer mistakes.
Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that the writing often make mistakes when he or she writers an essay. Those mistakes can be classification in to three important levels. The body of the essays usually contains the most mistakes. Then, it is followed by introduction. The end of important level is conclusion because contains the less mistakes. For those who are trying to make good essays must be diligent to practice writing and pay attention on criteria of good essays in order to decrease their mistakes and improve the quality of their writing.
Written by
Mega Astya
Umi Nadhirotun N
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