Firstly, let us have a look at the simple guidelines which is preparation step. Generally, to improve the students’ story telling skills in preparation step, the students must pay attention to the instruction. The first instruction is finding stories. There are many kinds of stories the students can work with. It is recommended for them to start with simple stories such as the prince and the frog, sleeping beauty, etc. They can find those stories in internet. However, they should consider for whom the stories will be told. Because they are still in the process of learning, it will be better for them to start telling story for the children. The second instruction is preparing the media. The function of media is to ease the story teller to express the story. The media which are usually used in storytelling are pop up, puppet, pandora box, etc. The students should learn and be creative to make the media. The more they practice to make the media, they will be more skillful and creative. The third instruction is training you to be a story teller. Actually, a storyteller’s skills include: use voice, use gestures, facial expressions, etc. To be good storytellers, the students use their voice to create the atmosphere or tension as the story progresses. They also have dialogs. They should make different voices for different characters. Then, the storytellers should use gestures and facial expressions to the visualization of the story. Be sure they are appropriate and natural. The students must practice them. Then, the students’ repetition and exaggeration have always been basic elements of storytelling. Thus, the preparation steps are important when story tellers want to tell a story.
Secondly, lets us move at the next guidelines to make story-telling more interesting which is process steps. Before the students tell their story, they should understand the story. Many story elements can be arranged in particular structures that generate the qualities of a story. For example, in a detective story, a crime is generally committed early in the story, setting out what's at stake in the story's world and a question its resolution. The roles and purpose of the story's characters are thus clearly defined, as well as how their actions will resolve what's at stake in the story. Besides, they should understand the characters of the story. Characters in a story operate to make a story's movement visible and concrete. Moreover, storytellers need to make the subtle distinction between what a story is about on a deeper, foundation level, from what's at stake for its characters. All characters in well told stories must have this strength of purpose. Whether the issue is love, greed, revenge, compassion, hate, jealousy, characters must be willing to confront and overcome whatever obstacles the story places in their path. Weak characters often fail to offer viewers a reason to internalize their actions because their actions fail to generate a quality of movement. No movement, no drama. No drama, no fulfillment. No fulfillment, no audience. After the students understand the story, they can practice the story telling. At the beginning of a story, storytelling is best done in a relaxed atmosphere free of distractions. The audience ought to be comfortable and close. The tellers need to give careful attention to the setting before hand - and be prepared to rearrange a room to bring his hearers closer, or use a backdrop or hangings to create atmosphere - especially in classroom settings. Properties, costumes, or some getting acquainted patter may also help in getting and keeping attention and creating a mood. Storytelling traditionally begins with a "Once upon a time..." opening. There are online lists of Beginnings and Endings. Story tellers need some strategy to keep the attention of the audience. Storytellers always need to be sensitive to his audience and may need to regain their attention before continuing. Once they finish the story - stop! Do not ramble on. Leave their thoughts lingering over it. They do not feel you have to explain everything, or tie together all loose ends. Let them go away thinking about what has been said, and drawing their own meaning from it! Applause is no measure of the effectiveness of a story presentation. Sometimes it will be exuberant, but other times the audience is quietly savoring and treasuring the story. An attentive audience and the feeling that the students "told it well" are the best reward they can have.
Thirdly, let us finish the guidelines to make story-telling more interesting which is finishing steps. In the finishing steps, we have two parts which are review and report. The review process should be given by the teachers. They should make a summary of what have they have explained before. After the students understands about the two steps above, the students should make a report as the reflection of what they have been learned. The content of the report are about their difficulties about telling story, their impression when the teachers explain them about story telling; do they change their mind about telling story or not? And their effort to improve their quality in telling stories. Then, the reports should be collected and the students should do the story telling in next meeting in the classroom as the practice to check whether they really understand about the explanation or not. The teachers should encourage them to do their best. That is a kind of motivation that make the students really want to practice the story telling.
Based on the explanation above, we know that story telling have several steps which can make telling story process more interesting. Those steps are preparation, process and finishing. As we know, those steps are important for the tellers. The storytellers should be able to perceive what a story is about, and how to move to a resolution and to offers fulfillment for story's audience. Understanding what about the movement of a story engages the story’s audience interest and needs of an audience. Such a writer can better perceive how characters, plot devices and create a dramatic movement of a story toward its fulfillment. Thus, when the tellers told the stories to the audience, they will be remember the content of the stories, knowing and applying the basics of the strengthen stories. Finally and it is most importantly: The more they practice the more skilled they will become. Don't be afraid to tell different methods. Be creative. As they do learn from their experiences, expect to flop, the best of them.
Written by
Mega Astya
Umi Nadrotun N.
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